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The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohamed bin Zayed, the real culprit in a landmark 'Abu Dhabi Case' is still at large despite 6 Judicial Awards from the UAE and Indian Courts! The 'Judgment Creditor' along with the 'Alliance Judgment Recovery' is offering up to US$10m rewards for help in leading to the arrest or conviction of this fugitive offender! Read more at " Jabir Vs UAE, The Enforcement of Judicial Awards"


A Chance to Earn 'FIVE TIMES' the Value without losing your MONEY!

The UAE Judgment Equities (UAE Debts) has been guaranteed five times [500%]
more value on your investments!
'A Unique Social Awareness Campaign by the 'Alliance Judgment Recovery''

Unique is the case of 'Judgment Creditor'; disgracefully the perpetrator is the 'Executive Branch of Abu Dhabi, UAE'...
"Download the authentic White Paper"

Strategy Formulation and Implementation

Strategy Formulation and Implementation of ‘Reparation Mechanisms’ Between India and the GCC countries

25 January, 2013 Overseas Indians’ Legal Cell

Human rights are universal and inalienable. They are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace, and are the basic standards without which people cannot live a life of dignity. Although human rights are theoretically universal and inherent they can be denied through violations in practice. People are often unable to enjoy their human rights because of who they are, and where they live. Discrimination is an abuse which prevents people from enjoying their basic human rights, and thus undermining the very concept of a universal right.

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. All Member States of United Nations (UN) have an obligation to promote and protect Human Rights and fundamental freedoms as stated (in Articles 55 and 56) in the Charter of the United Nations. Since the establishment of United Nations, a wide range of Human Rights instruments have been developed in different regions of the world to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The International law is fairly clear that the governments have a duty of ratifying human rights treaties and mechanisms, focused on the recognition of victims’ rights and dignity; their protection and promotion is the first responsibility of States, in doing so, commit to meeting certain human rights obligations of the states. Unlike all other regions, the establishment of regional inter-governmental Human Rights mechanisms, to date, a mechanism to enable individuals to seek redress, has not been created between India and its neighbouring countries.

Read Full Text:The sealing of the MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) and MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with regards to the Strategy Formulation and Implementation of a Mutual Reparation Mechanism Between India and the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries to help the migrants and their families to live with dignity.

Visit Main Section: ‘Indo-Gulf Reparation Mechanisms’

"The Sale Prospects of UAE Judgments" A sure means of investment opportunity for ‘Social Justice', that may come across because of its strong Legal back-up and Government support. “The execution of Judgments of the UAE Court is a part of ‘Indo-Gulf Reparation’ Movement”. Millions of Indians working abroad will be the beneficiaries of a 'Mutual Reparation Mechanism' if put into practical effect. Let us strengthen the bonds of friendship between India and Gulf Countries

International Human Rights Law & Protection Mechanisms’

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. All Member States of United Nations (UN) have an obligation to promote and protect Human Rights and fundamental freedoms as stated (in Articles 55 and 56) in the Charter of the United Nations. International Human Rights Law & Protection Mechanisms‚
The UN Charter | The General Assembly | The Security Council | International Court of Justice | OHCHR | UN Charter-Based Mechanisms | UN Human Rights Council | UN Treaty-based bodies | International Human Rights | Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council | The Paris Principles | The UN system | The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) | Complaint Procedure

Global Practice of Reparation Laws & Mechanisms

Since the establishment of United Nations, a wide range of Human Rights instruments have been developed in different regions of the world to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms...Global Practice of Reparation Laws & Mechanisms
American Mechanisms | European Mechanisms | African Mechanisms | The Paris Principles | The Human Rights Council | International Human Rights Mechanisms

Indo-Gulf Reparation Mechanisms

The establishment of a viable ‘Reparation Mechanism’ Between India and Gulf Countries. The mandate of UN General Assembly adoption of resolution reads as "States shall, with respect to claims by victims, enforce domestic judgments for reparation against individuals or entities liable for the harm suffered and endeavour to enforce valid foreign legal judgments for reparation in accordance with domestic law and international legal obligations. Read Full

States as Guardians of the Rights of Individuals

The doctrine of "International responsibility" under the rules protecting individuals from official abuses has undergone a significant evolution.

The State of the injured national to claim against the offending State at the inter-State level. As explained by Professor van Boven. "The subject who has suffered the injury is not the individual person, or for that matter, a group of persons, but the State of which the person or the group of persons is or are national(s). It is in this perspective that States may claim reparation from the offending State but the victims themselves have no standing to bring international claims".

The help guidance and cooperation of all Overseas Indians and their organizations are solicited for this great venture to give legal relief to the large number of Overseas Indians.

View more at: States as Guardians of the Rights of Individuals

Debtors who hide Judicial decisions to avoid honoring obligations

There are diabolical debtors who hide Judicial decisions, commit fraud or other henious acts to avoid honoring obligations!...Read More

The European Union must be congratulated for its bold move

The European Union has passed a resolution strongly condemning the UAE for its Human Rights violations...Read More

Buy Sell or Trade Judgments

Consider selling or assigning your judgment to someone who will hold the debtor accountable. View a list of 'Diabolical Debtors' who have taken extreme measures to avoid honoring their obligations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Visit: Judgment For Sale

Lawyers India

The Lawyers India Legal Research & Outsourcing is fully equipped to offer all essential legal support services to assist US-based Lawyers and Corporate Legal Departments in successfully pursuing their litigation cases at all levels. We involve ourselves in supporting our clients in all legal research and writing, in preparation of cases and other incidental legal tasks.

Read more at: Legal Research & Outsourcing

Overseas Indians Legal Solutions

Reports about the suffering of the migrants population were on the increase. Though the media did take special interests in exposing the problems of Overseas Indians, no tangible establishments to deal with the legal problems of Overseas Indians could be formulated.

Read more at: Overseas Indians Legal Solutions

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