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The Maritime Law

Maritime Law is a branch of international law that handles matters that take place in international and territorial waters, such as fishing and shipping, where no one country has jurisdiction over the area.

Judgment Recovery A team of Legal Experts will hold series of discussions and work out strategies for each case. They will, thereafter, chart out an action plan, contact the officials concerned in the country or abroad. The Experts will pursue further legal proceedings and ensure that the matter is settled within the shortest possible time and the ‘Judgment Creditor’ receives the benefits as eligible to him. more
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The Captain of the ship is responsible for all losses or damages that may happen to the goods committed to his charge; whether they arise from negligence, ignorance, or willful misconduct of himself or his mariners, or any other person on board the ship

judgment for sale

Boycott UAE - Human Rights Campaign

Investor demands serious reputational damage and
damages for breaches of various rights!

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